Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 1: To San Juan

Background Music:

I got up before the sun on three short hours of sleep, and took the metro in to the city with my dad. We parted ways as I continued on to Reagen Airport, and breezed through security in 25 minutes, including walking the length of the airport and having my bag pulled for having an ascender in it. They were cool with it, they just wanted to get a better look at it.

Reagen to Atlanta was an easy hour-and-change flight, with scattered sleeping to trance music, and at Atlanta I only had to cross the walkway in the middle of the terminal to get on my next flight, which was already boarding. This flight was a little longer, 3 hours, and was full of more catnaps and daydreaming out the window. I was debating taking a picture or not, when the infrastructure nerd in me saw [this] and the decision was made for me.

Flying into San Juan was great, the flight in is almost a tour of the city, including a really good view of [this], though since we were landing I couldn't swap lenses to something a little wider. The first thing you notice is palm trees! The second is that it is hot. I grabbed a taxi to the hotel where I met a girl who was on my flight, who had done Africa and Peru, and who was doing PR with no real itinerary. Maybe I should have given her my number...

Anyways, I wandered the beach, watched the boogie-boarders, and mused on how empty it feels to travel alone. Then I realized it was 6pm and I hadn't eaten since a very light 6am breakfast. I really shouldn't travel alone - Ray would never have let me do that. Dinner was steak (good) Modella (the PRican beer... less good), and spent with Lisbeth Salander (good as always).

Recharged, I hit the roof, and the beach again after seeing what the new glass could do. Jeremy,I love you(r lens).


  1. If this blog somehow convinces Jeremy that travel is actually pretty fun, I'll owe you one. I particularly enjoy the cityscape photo.

  2. You have your own blog! I have to link yours to mine and stalk you forever now. XD Glad you're safe; photos from the sky look cool.

  3. Glad you got there safely too. Yeah, I can attest to traveling alone not being fun, but sometimes it can be freeing.

    Those pictures are great!!

  4. looking good so far, man. I'm glad they didn't snatch any of your gear or keep you waiting, and you're lucky you didn't have to spend too long in Atlanta. I hope the lens keeps treating you well: it's my best piece of glass but I have a feeling you'll get more out of it than i can.

    @erin, maybe eventually. Hawaii has some nice soapbox runs...

  5. Yay, you have a blog! I'm excited to hear about your adventures. Also, I echo Jeremy in saying I'm glad you didn't lose gear going through security.

  6. @erin: I'll try.
    @Jerms: I'll try. I played with it more during the day to get a better feel for focusing it... And made some progress (it's a two step process. 1) look at the dial, 2)set to infinity)
    @everyone else: Thanks!
