Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thailand - King Rama IX Park

On Sunday we woke up early to have breakfast with Anne, before her flight to China to get a headstart on our next build. Meanwhile, we would clean up loose ends on the current build in Thailand. Our other coworker went back to bed, which left me alone with an entire day to relax.

I decided I'd set out to King Rama IX Park.  This was the only park near the hotel, but it was still large enough to offer plenty to see. The hike there was just over a mile and then I set about wandering around the lake, taking breaks at convenient places to photograph or read.  The park celebrates King Rama the 9th's water aerator. This is the only international patent ever issued to a monarch, and you can tell he's very proud of it.  The aerator increases available oxygen for fish and improves water quality, plus it's a nice background noise in the park.

Cacti from America!
There were a number of gardens throughout the park - including one just for medicinal and poisonous plants.  There were also greenhouses for jungle and desert plants. I particularly enjoyed the forest / stream built into the park. Mangrove trees and bamboo enclosed a series of artificial waterfalls, so I hiked the entire length of the waterway and decided I definitely need to buy property with a stream on it so I can play these games.

Also gave me a chance to play with the slowmo option on my phone... 

There were a few vendors selling old bread to feed the fish / birds, which is always fun. I grabbed some bread the birds missed and fed some fish myself. It was fun at 1/10th my age, still fun today...

Speaking of wildlife, there were a few monitors, including this one massive dude. He was pretty chill, content to let me read a few feet away from him as long as I stayed on my side of the tree.

But then the sky started to darken... I figured it was probably time for me to head back for dinner anyways, so I started back towards the markets. They sky went from hinting at rain to downpour within minutes.  I barely made it out of the park before the sky opened up.  Since I had no hard schedule, I took refuge under a canopy on the side of the road, where I was joined by a couple and their toddler.

Eventually the rain stopped and I made my way back to the night market, taking several shortcuts that looked promising on the maps that did not work out at all.

I made my way back to the Night Market, which was just opening up. On my own for the first time this trip, I indulged all my vices. Which meant I bought a cigarette, a beer, and a switchblade. Actually a pair of switchblades, since when I asked my girlfriend if she needed a banana cat or a switchblade she said she needed a banana cat switchblade.

I eventually made it back to the hotel for dinner with my coworker, which featured all-you-can-eat sushi. It was a good day. Ended up walking about 10 miles.

Clearly custom, and clearly a work of art.

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